Category Archives: Podcast

Podcast 10: TADSummit Innovators, Kalyan Kumar Pasumarthy

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators, Kalyan Kumar Pasumarthy An inspiring interview with Dr Kalyan Kumar Pasumarthy, and his journey in programmable communications. How TADSummit helped him cut through the marketing to realize he too can deliver value to his customers in an untapped niche. Also a shout out to Kalyan’s home state of Andhra Pradesh. We … Continue reading Podcast 10: TADSummit Innovators, Kalyan Kumar Pasumarthy

TADSummit Podcast 9: Truth in Telecoms

Podcast Directory CPaaS and AI M&A Taking the lead from Twilio, we’re all CPaaS and AI companies these days, rather the programmable communications 😉 Johnny posted on the latest Twilio results, and I baited him on what a Twilo and tyntec tie-up could look like. Johnny reviews his experiences with tyntec, the unique position they … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast 9: Truth in Telecoms

TADSummit Podcast Episode 8

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators Bogdan sponsored TADSummit 2023 and provided an excellent keynote, The Symbiosis of Open Source and Industry or how they do self-support one each other – study case of OpenSIPS and SIPhub. This podcast covered the origin of OpenSIPS, the rise of SIPhub as a method to monetize all the knowledge within … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 8

TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators This is an amazing multi-decade review of Dave Horton‘s telecoms journey, through Open Development Systems, Pactolus that supported the prepaid calling card industry so he and Johnny have much in common, to where we are today with Drachtio and Jambonz, enabling CPaaS to run on free and open source software. I … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

TADSummit Commio Special Podcast

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators Today we have a Commio Special podcast with Tim McLain. The 10DLC market is changing rapidly. News released today,: on November 8, 2023, all unverified toll-free phone numbers being used for text messaging will require registration. If everything works that means an more unregistered SMS period. I’m really hoping we see … Continue reading TADSummit Commio Special Podcast

TADSummit Podcast Episode 6

Podcast Directory – you’ll see we have a TADSummit Podcast Special on Wednesday 11th Oct with Tim McLain from Commio. TADSummit Innovators, Mike Bromwich and Tim Dowling introduce Stacuity, the programmable IoT network. This is a great introduction to how Stacuity began, why they are creating a new category of a developer centric programmable IoT … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 6

TADSummit Podcast Episode 5

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators, we focus on TADSummit sponsor Unifonic and their CTO/CPO Karim Zaki. Founded in 2006, Unifonic is a programmable telecoms powerhouse in the Middle East. They’ve built a strong business in the region, with communication solutions for enterprises across many sectors, and in compliance with each countries’ regulations. It’s a well defended … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 5

TADSummit Podcast Episode 4

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators, we focus on TelecomsXchange and their CEO Ameed Jamous. TelecomsXchange is focused on programmable wholesale telecoms, standing on the shoulders of the open source telecom software giants. Ameed is a sponsor of TADSummit and has supported TADHack over the years. We’re both on the Mobile Ecosystem Forum panel “The Future is Cloudy: Cloudification of Wholesale Telecom” … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 4

TADSummit Podcast Episode 2

Podcast Directory This second podcast is divided into 2 sections TADSummit Innovators where we focus on Voxist and their CEO Karel Bourgois. Truth_In_Telecoms with Johnny Tarone We kick off with some background on TCRA (TCR Acquisition) and their kerfuffle with Kaleyra. We do ramble off a little in the last 5-10 minutes, but it does … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 2