Tag Archives: CCaaS

GoContact Keynote Panel Discussion: The Challenges and Opportunities of merging UCaaS and CCaaS.

Video Outline GoContact Keynote Panel Discussion: The Challenges and Opportunities of merging UCaaS and CCaaS. João Camarate, CTO Broadvoice and GoContact. Shai Berger, CEO Fonolo Adnan Saleem, CTO Software and Cloud Solutions, Radisys Al Balasco, SVP Communications Solutions, Radisys Thomas Howe, CTO STROLID Alan Quayle, Independent Let’s get this one out of the way first, … Continue reading GoContact Keynote Panel Discussion: The Challenges and Opportunities of merging UCaaS and CCaaS.

A Slice of TADSummit: Potpourri

One of the fun aspects of running events is crafting the agenda to include content not yet mainstream in programmable communications or under-represented or simply interesting. In this weblog the potpourri includes: Keynotes Accelerating Women Tech inclusion with effective usage of Telco API, Sammani Kusaladharma, Dialog Axiata Mindful Connections, Sami Mäkeläinen, Telstra Identity and Fraud. TeleSign’s Findings … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Potpourri

Welcome to TADSummit Asia 2021 + Programmable Communications Review

Thank you for joining us for TADSummit Asia 2021. Since 2013 TADSummit has focused on programmable communications. This year we have special themes on conversational intelligence, identity and fraud, open source, and quantum computing. There’s no registration, content is freely available. Everything will be posted on the agenda: https://blog.tadsummit.com/2021/02/16/tadsummit-asia-2021-agenda/. Presentations are pre-recorded, released one per … Continue reading Welcome to TADSummit Asia 2021 + Programmable Communications Review

A Slice of TADSummit: Telco Innovation

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Telco Innovation. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. Telco innovation is tough, its the innovator’s dilemma writ large. I recently reviewed an industry-insider initiative “Accelerating Innovation in the … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Telco Innovation

How will legacy enterprise communications adapt to programmable communications? Thomas Howe

How will legacy enterprise communications adapt to programmable communications? Thomas Howe, Chief Technology Officer at VHT This is an excellent strategic thought-leadership work. Thomas sets out the assumptions that have driven legacy enterprise communications: From 100 years ago, we prefer to talk. Just look at how people use their smartphones today, voice is far down … Continue reading How will legacy enterprise communications adapt to programmable communications? Thomas Howe

Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix

Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix This was a fun interview with a kindred spirit. Vinix demonstrates why diversity will reign in enterprise communications. Thanks to open source projects like, Kamailio, Kazoo (2600Hz) and Matrix; Mark delivers programmable communication services. That it, stuff that does what his customers need; and support they know … Continue reading Innovator Interview: Mark Diaz, Chief Executive Officer Vinix

Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 2 (9-13th Nov)

This weblog summarises the presentations given during TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 2. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. With a packed agenda we’ve moved to 2 sessions per day, else we’ll be running into the middle of December. We’re seeing 80-100 views per day on the TADSummit Channel, with excellent … Continue reading Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 2 (9-13th Nov)

Keynote: Helping Carriers Win More Enterprise Business in a post-COVID-19 World, João Camarate Silva

Helping Carriers Win More Enterprise Business in a post-COVID-19 World, João Camarate Silva, Founder & CTO at GoContact. Another fast keynote! Well done João 🙂 Carriers are facing a significant threat in enterprise communication services from the confluence of technology, business models and rapidly changing business customer behavior due to the pandemic. This is driving … Continue reading Keynote: Helping Carriers Win More Enterprise Business in a post-COVID-19 World, João Camarate Silva

CPaaS is dead, Long live CPaaS, Filipe Leitão, 8X8

CPaaS is dead, Long live CPaaS, Filipe Leitão, EMEA Solutions Engineer, 8X8. In this presentation Filipe covers: Brief history of CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) since VAS (Value Add Service) times. It’s not about winning the developer anymore. Or viewed another way, how everyone tries to be what Twilio was 5 years ago. Be … Continue reading CPaaS is dead, Long live CPaaS, Filipe Leitão, 8X8

TADSummit EMEA Americas Agenda

TADSummit EMEA Americas agenda is focused on fair, frank, and independent advice / education for the rest of us in programmable communications / telecoms who are not wrapped up in the BABS (Bay Area BS) machine 🙂 Thank you to all the presenters as well as our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit EMEA … Continue reading TADSummit EMEA Americas Agenda