Tag Archives: CTIA

Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Johnny claims this is his final TADSummit podcast, he’s off to become a suck suck fish. He made a special request for Dean Bubley to be on his ‘last’ show, so of course Dean is here. Though as you’ll hear through the episode, I’m not too sure on how final this really is. Dean’s recent … Continue reading Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Podcast 105: Truth in Telecoms, 10 Global Predictions for 2025

Last week I gave with Commio a presentation on 10 Predictions for 2025. Those were more US focused as that’s the focus of Commio’s business. Several people asked that I do a version more globally focused. So here it is: Here is a quick review of what I covered, the structure is similar to the … Continue reading Podcast 105: Truth in Telecoms, 10 Global Predictions for 2025

Understanding the Brands and their Messaging Needs Holly ‘The SMS Queen’ Depies

Holly buys A2P SMS for her clients, brands, she’s a Campaign Service Provider. She’s likely the largest individual brand aggregator in the market. This gives Holly unmatched insight on the challenges and needs of brands. Holly refers the to SMS ecosystem as ancient, which is in some ways unfortunately true. Yet its continued success is … Continue reading Understanding the Brands and their Messaging Needs Holly ‘The SMS Queen’ Depies

Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast Directory This is a useful review of where we are across: The video contains so much more than I can write. Johnny does a good job reviewing the story so far. I provide below a sample of some of the points covered, but you know Johnny! Fun with The Vis: Check out the 45 … Continue reading Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Podcast Directory Johnny promised to be focused on this podcast, no running around. The movie he referred to is ‘The In-Laws‘, here’s the video of the scene with ‘serpentine’, that is running around to avoid being shot. The focus for this podcast is Twilio and the GTC Report on TCR. The CTIA / FCC / … Continue reading Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

TADSummit Commio Special Podcast

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators Today we have a Commio Special podcast with Tim McLain. The 10DLC market is changing rapidly. News released today,: on November 8, 2023, all unverified toll-free phone numbers being used for text messaging will require registration. If everything works that means an more unregistered SMS period. I’m really hoping we see … Continue reading TADSummit Commio Special Podcast