Tag Archives: sinch

TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators This is an amazing multi-decade review of Dave Horton‘s telecoms journey, through Open Development Systems, Pactolus that supported the prepaid calling card industry so he and Johnny have much in common, to where we are today with Drachtio and Jambonz, enabling CPaaS to run on free and open source software. I … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

TADSummit Podcast Episode 1

Podcast Directory On our first TADSummit podcast we focus on STROLID and their CTO Thomas Howe. We introduce Giovanni (Johnny) Tarone, and the important role he will play in bringing investors to the TADS community and extending the no BS policy more broadly across the industry, as we fight for the programmable communications / telecoms … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 1

TADSummit 2023, Share your Insights and Experiences

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications for eleven years. It runs on the 19th and 20th of October in Paris, France and online. We’ll be at Capgemini’s 5G Labs, Quai du Président Roosevelt 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux. The week after is Network X, and TADHack Global is over the weekend (21-22 Oct). Thank you to Strolid, Stacuity and Jambonz … Continue reading TADSummit 2023, Share your Insights and Experiences

Programmable Telecoms: What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann

Programmable Telecoms – What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann, Technology & Innovation at Deutsche Telekom Sebastian’s presentation does a great job of bridging the thinking across the traditional telco world, and the CPaaS world (or CXTech world). He explains the NT (Network Technology) / IT (Information Technology) view within telcos, where IT … Continue reading Programmable Telecoms: What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann

Day Two Morning Plenary, TADSummit Demo

Day Two started where Day One finished, with real practical demonstrations of service innovation.  In this case is was with a TADSummit Demo from Canonical, Metaswitch, Telestax and Truphone.  It was a world-first demonstration of a live telephone voting service running on Ubuntu, Metaswitch and Telestax software provisioned and launched into operation over the Truphone network in … Continue reading Day Two Morning Plenary, TADSummit Demo

Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks

Voxbone is delighted to be a sponsor of this year’s prestigious TADSummit. As the market leader in providing virtual local phone numbers (often referred to as DIDs or inbound SIP trunks) to telecommunications application developers, cloud communications providers, and enterprise contact centers, Voxbone is proud to show our commitment to fostering the growth of the … Continue reading Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks

TADSummit Agenda

The TADSummit agenda is packed and unique. Telcos, technology providers and developers from around the world are coming together with a focus on success to build the telecom application development ecosystem. The financial numbers of most telcos show service innovation is no longer a nice ‘marketing sheen’ applied to the same old network investment. Its … Continue reading TADSummit Agenda