Tag Archives: Tata Communications

Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Johnny lets loose on this podcast. I’ll try with this article to bring it within a clear and linear progression of thought. Do not invest in memecoins I do not recommend investing in meme-coins, see this example $Hawk memecoin on why it’s a bad idea. Eric owns the majority of $CZAR GOLD, and does not … Continue reading Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Podcast 106: Truth in Telecoms, Bill Peters has Settled, Game On!

Johnny kicks off the podcast with his, “I LOVE MEF” hat, and his “KISS MY tyntec” sweatshirt. His claim is The Czar (Eric Troutman) and #GMoney (Robert Gerstmann) have said he can be the new CEO of MEF, which will be sited in Greenland. That made me laugh. Johnny also gave props to Eddie DeCurtis, … Continue reading Podcast 106: Truth in Telecoms, Bill Peters has Settled, Game On!

Podcast 98: Truth in Telecoms, Welcome Brendan Carr, We have lots of insights and data for you!

Podcast Directory The full podcast video can be viewed here. It’s been almost one month since the last Truth in Telecoms, our interview with Wahab Sultan. For those of you that follow Johnny on Linkedin and Twitter will know he’s been busy posting over this month. This episode gave a chance to present some of … Continue reading Podcast 98: Truth in Telecoms, Welcome Brendan Carr, We have lots of insights and data for you!

Podcast 86: Truth in Telecoms, Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley

In August 2023 I wrote, Understanding TCR and Kaleyra Part 2. I mentioned the case Pulzone v. Kaleyra, Inc. It’s just settled. What’s interesting is the settlement of a 3 year old case was reached within 24 hours of Bill Peters meeting with the plaintiff’s lawyers as a witness against Kaleyra. Draw what inference you … Continue reading Podcast 86: Truth in Telecoms, Kaleyra and Sarbanes Oxley

Podcast 69: Truth in Telecoms. Non-GAAP = Not Real.

Podcast Directory Johnny’s got another buyer for Tyntec, let’s see this time 😉 He then jumped onto how Tata Communications had their underwear pulled over their collective heads in the Kaleyra deal. Without contracts from the carriers there is no TCR (The Campaign Registry) business, and to get those contracts today requires collusion. Compound that … Continue reading Podcast 69: Truth in Telecoms. Non-GAAP = Not Real.

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Podcast Directory Johnny promised to be focused on this podcast, no running around. The movie he referred to is ‘The In-Laws‘, here’s the video of the scene with ‘serpentine’, that is running around to avoid being shot. The focus for this podcast is Twilio and the GTC Report on TCR. The CTIA / FCC / … Continue reading Podcast 52: Truth in Telecoms, The Industry needs to come clean

Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast Directory Since I reposted Eric Troutman’s excellent review of The Campaign Registry’s response to Frederick (“Rick”) Joyce’s FCC filing on Thursday, where I linked the work we’ve been doing on the US messaging ecosystem. The repost reached 2.5k impressions overnight, my profile has been viewed over 100 times in 24 hours, and several people … Continue reading Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Podcast Directory Best wishes for the New Year to the TADS community and everyone that follows the TADSummit Podcast. Over the holidays’ period so much happened! Johnny’s been studying Tata Communications, they’ve had a massive run up, from 330 INR to 1750 INR. We covered in the TADSummit Innovators interview with UIB who is no … Continue reading Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Podcast 15: Truth in Telecoms. Booyah! A line in the sand.

Johnny is either lucky or prescient or perhaps a bit of both. He’s been highlighting the importance of Swifties on social issues. Spam SMS and robocalling have become critical social issues in the US due to ineffective action and messaging monopolies within the Telecom ecosystem. And Time Magazine’s woman of the year is Taylor Swift! … Continue reading Podcast 15: Truth in Telecoms. Booyah! A line in the sand.