Slice of TADSummit: Programmable Comms

In this weblog we review the presentations focused on programmable communications at TADSummit EMEA Americas 2021. The presentations include:

GoContact Keynote Panel Discussion: The Challenges and Opportunities of merging UCaaS and CCaaS.

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

  • João Camarate, CTO Broadvoice and GoContact.
  • Shai Berger, CEO Fonolo
  • Adnan Saleem, CTO Software and Cloud Solutions, Radisys
  • Al Balasco, SVP Communications Solutions, Radisys
  • Thomas Howe, CTO STROLID
  • Alan Quayle, Independent
  • Let’s get this one out of the way first, what do you think of the Genesys investment by Zoom, ServiceNow, Salesforce, etc. $580 Million investment at $21 Billion valuation?
  • What customer need is driving the current UCaaS, CCaaS, CPaaS consolidation?
  • Let’s review what’s going on in the market at the moment, it’s busy! Five9 and Zoom, Fuze and 8X8, broadvoice and GoContact, Serenova and Lifesize, Dialpad and Highfive, Talkdesk building out its UC product, Vonage and NVM etc. Why did some work, others receive a cool reception from the market, while others appear to be just good old product development?
  • The buyers for UCaaS and CCaaS have historically been different. They are solving different problems, employee communications and customer communications. They have a common core technology, the telcom app server. But does merging UCaaS and CCaaS really make sense?
  • Focusing on the technology of merging UCaaS and CCaaS, what are the pros and cons?
  • What market segments, or what regions, or what go-to-markets will deliver the results of this merger?
  • Some of the M&A has been video focused. Video is significant in employee collaboration, however, in customer communication it still appears niche. Is video going to make the leap into get ambien mainstream customer communications anytime soon?

AWA Keynote. The AWA Story. Liberating a growing market.

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

Marten Schoenherr, CEO and Founder, AWA Network

The Problem:
Vendor lock in with CPaaS
Black-box conditions
Missing features

The Solution:
Universal API
Real-time routing on a list of integrated providers
Enrich universal API with user preferences not available from the usual suspect CPaaS

STROLID Keynote, VCons: A Proposal for an Open Standard for Conversation Data

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

Thomas Howe, CTO STROLID

  • From Voice to Everything: How conversations have changed in the past 100 years
  • Elements of Conversations: Messaging, voice, participants
  • Gathering the Conversation: A single container for a conversation
  • Conversations as Data: Using conversations for analysis, collaboration and decision making
  • Call to Action: Workgroup on Defining Conversations

How to architect your WebRTC application

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

Alberto González, CTO WebRTC.Ventures, & Arin Sime, CEO/Founder at and AgilityFeat

  • There is no “one size fits all” application architecture for live video applications using WebRTC.
  • The options vary widely based on your use case and choices between commercial and open-source options for back end services.
  • In this presentation, we will discuss typical use cases and architectural considerations based on our experiences working with a wide range of provigil clients.

The worst of enemies – let’s talk about DDoS and RTC

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

Sandro Gauci, CEO / Senior Penetration Tester / Chief mischief officer at Enable Security

Why are VoIP and WebRTC services so vulnerable to DDoS and what can we do about it?

  • Distinguish between volumetric and application-level DoS
  • Why volumetric/bandwidth saturation is so effective
  • Application-level DoS, appreciate the complexity of the topic
  • Some demos to illustrate the point
  • General recommendations: security testing, apply changes, preparations, repeat

The Labor Shortage Is Rewiring Call Centers

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

Shai Berger, CEO Fonolo

  • When you run a call center, agent labor is 80% of your operating cost. So if wages go up, it’s a big deal.
  • Call centers throughout the US are facing exactly this situation right now as part of what is now widely acknowledged as an historic labor shortage. The phenomenon even has its own catch phrase: “The great resignation”.
  • The reasons behind it are still under debate, but businesses are already adjusting. In contact centers, there is a renewed focus on agent retention and recruiting.
  • Projects that previously were not economical now make sense. Bottom line – it’s a good a time to be selling technology solutions to contact ambien center.

Programmable Communications Review

> Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A <

There’s quite a few presentations, its best to go to the weblog, and view the video you’re most interested in.

Alan Quayle, independent consultant, founder TADSummit & TADHack

  • Welcome to TADSummit EMEA Americas – how it works.
  • Landscape, Market Sizing, and Growth
  • Trends and Strategy
  • 2021 Review: prolonged pandemic, impressive valuations, and crazy consolidation