Huawei serves more people on the planet through its telecom operator customers than any other vendor, roughly 5 billion. The reach Huawei provides for telecom application developers to go global is unparalleled. GSIC (Global Service Innovation Cloud) is a broad initiative to expand the telecom application developer community to every corner of the world, it was … Continue reading Introduction to Huawei GSIC (Global Service Innovation Cloud)→
Check out the agenda for the most exclusive VIP event for RestComm Rock Stars. It will take place in Lisbon on 19-22 November. Right after TADSummit (17-18 November) which is the most important RTC app development event of the year. Telestax is a founding member and a proud sponsor of TADSummit. Get ready for RestConn! Don’t miss … Continue reading Agenda for RestConn 2015→
SIP Presence is a valuable feature that can help hence Restcomm monitoring and usage. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce that we shall be adding SIP Presence API as part of the next iteration of Restcomm. Below is an overview of the SIP Presence API. This new feature will be part of … Continue reading Restcomm Is Getting a Facelift with SIP Presence API→
TeleStax is pleased to announce the latest release of TelScale SMSC 6.2.2.GA. This release is an exciting milestone in our continued strive to produce quality software that will contribute to our customer’s success. This latest release comes packed with new features that will ensure better user experience. Lightweight pass-through mode : Gateway can be configured for sending … Continue reading Announcing the Release of TelScale SMSC 6.2.2.GA→
The latest draft of the TADSummit agenda has just been released, with even more world-class presentations from developers, enterprises, telcos, and service providers stuffed in; and even more pre- and post-events being planned. TADSummit is the only place where the whole telecom app development ecosystem meets, its a broad global ecosystem that has lacked recognition, being … Continue reading TADSummit Agenda: The Ecosystem Gathering→
TADS is coming up which is great news. This conference is devoted to Telecom Application Development, which when you stop to think about it, is pretty important for Telecom success. I mean, if Telecom was just about making a phone call, or sending an email, or posting something on social media, then life might be … Continue reading Jim Machi, Dialogic, on TADS & Innovation→
At TADHack Global in June James Tagg, founder and CTO of Truphone, announced their plan for the Open Source Communications Framework (OSCF) API, see end of this weblog for the keynote presentation. James Tagg will at TADSummit in November put much more flesh around the bones of that announcement in his keynote and throughout TADSummit. It … Continue reading TADSummit Truphone Teaser→
Telestax is pleased to announce the result of our load test performed using the latest iteration of Telscale SMSC Gateway. The load test was performed on an Amazon cloud server with the follow specifications Amazon Cloud Server specification Model vCPU Mem (GiB) SSD Storage (GB) Dedicated EBS Throughput (Mbps) m4.2xlarge 8 32 EBS-only 1,000 Server … Continue reading Telscale SMSC Gateway Processes 1 Million SMS in Record Time→
BOSTON, MA–In a new report published by Smith’s Point Analytics, the company expects the market for Cloud RTC platforms, or tools that enable developers to integrate voice, messaging, and video, into their apps, to reach $4.3 billion in 2019. This market is growing rapidly and by the end of 2015 the market will have grown … Continue reading Telestax featured in Smith’s Point Analytics’ WebRTC and Cloud RTC Platforms Report→
It all began in June last year, at the first ever TADHack in Madrid. We hacked together Metaswitch’s Project Clearwater IMS and Telestax’s RestComm application server, running on Ubuntu and provisioned in real-time using juju. You can see the hack here: IMS in Minutes, with over 1300 views, such a niche topic is relatively popular. … Continue reading World’s Largest Live ‘Cloud Based Mobile Network’→