Tag Archives: Vonage

Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Johnny claims this is his final TADSummit podcast, he’s off to become a suck suck fish. He made a special request for Dean Bubley to be on his ‘last’ show, so of course Dean is here. Though as you’ll hear through the episode, I’m not too sure on how final this really is. Dean’s recent … Continue reading Podcast 109: Truth in Telecoms: Dean Bubley

Truth in Telecoms helps Investors in Programmable Telecoms

Moez has raised Twilio’s Stock price from $42 to $110 Moez Kassam and Anson Funds started circling Twilio in 2023, back when the stock was hovering around $42. The information provided in TADSummit’s Truth in Telecoms helped lead to $100M profit for Anson on Twilio. The stock price rise is because of hedge funds buying … Continue reading Truth in Telecoms helps Investors in Programmable Telecoms

Truth in A2P SMS, Part 4 of 5

In this series we will expose the reality of what’s happening in A2P SMS. We’ll review how the current situation can and will be solved through mitigations the industry must adopt. This series is based on extensive research through 2024, it is not a complete exposé. However, the main mechanisms and mitigations are covered. SIM … Continue reading Truth in A2P SMS, Part 4 of 5

Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

Podcast Directory A busy weekend: Robert Vis continues to deliver on his plan to transform the programmable communications industry. Announcing on his TADSummit Innovator’s podcast (over 5k views) focusing on the value add for customer communications and bringing the price of SMS close to cost. Sinch did not like that, especially when Bird dropped prices … Continue reading Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

TADSummit 2023: Open Source

Open source telecom software is the foundation upon which programmable telecoms / communications is built. It is also a critical technology for telcos to make the leap to Techco. Put simply, if telcos continue to use their legacy closed source vendors, the Techco vision will not happen. This advice comes from the fixed line telcos, … Continue reading TADSummit 2023: Open Source

TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

Podcast Directory TADSummit Innovators This is an amazing multi-decade review of Dave Horton‘s telecoms journey, through Open Development Systems, Pactolus that supported the prepaid calling card industry so he and Johnny have much in common, to where we are today with Drachtio and Jambonz, enabling CPaaS to run on free and open source software. I … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast Episode 7

Deutsche Telekom get your act together on programmable telecoms

DT just announced it became Ericsson’s first commercial operator partner in its drive to target developers and enterprises with access to communications and network APIs, a strategy pushed by the vendor after its $6.2 billion buy of Vonage last year. I reviewed the Vonage Acquisition at the time it was announced in 2021. Essentially an exit deal … Continue reading Deutsche Telekom get your act together on programmable telecoms

Welcome & What Happened? Review

These TADSummit 2022 reviews are a chance to give all the excellent content deserved attention and add my commentary on its importance. I cover only my ‘Welcome and What happened since we last met? Where is the Programmable Comms market going?’ presentation as the article ended up being quite long and a bit soapboxy (warning … Continue reading Welcome & What Happened? Review

Innovator Interview: Manjeet Singh, CEO & Co-founder at Buddy4study

Programmable Communications Innovator Interview: Manjeet Singh, CEO & Co-founder at Buddy4Study I first met Manjeet in person at TADSummit 2015. He presented in the Telestax slot, in an illustrious morning plenary of the first day of TADSummit with: Tropo (who had recently been bought by Cisco); Nexmo (who were soon to be bought by Vonage); … Continue reading Innovator Interview: Manjeet Singh, CEO & Co-founder at Buddy4study

Programmable Telecoms: What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann

Programmable Telecoms – What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann, Technology & Innovation at Deutsche Telekom Sebastian’s presentation does a great job of bridging the thinking across the traditional telco world, and the CPaaS world (or CXTech world). He explains the NT (Network Technology) / IT (Information Technology) view within telcos, where IT … Continue reading Programmable Telecoms: What is in IT for Telcos? by Sebastian Schumann