Tag Archives: IoT

Stream 2: Case Studies in Telecom App Development Part 1

Stream 2 reviews the successful practical applications of IoT / M2M, WebRTC, Telecom APIs, and the many mash-ups across these capabilities. Being based on hard-won real-world experience is a foundational component of TADS, it stops the garbage-in:garbage-out (GIGO) of many marketing and analyst presentations. We Moved the PBX from the Cloud to the Web – Fone.Do … Continue reading Stream 2: Case Studies in Telecom App Development Part 1

Stream 1: New Service Delivery Methods

This break-out stream covers 2 new service delivery methods: A2P Delivery. The so called OTTs (Over The Top) service providers have been focused on P2P, that is using investor cash to build a large user base. Following the lead of Wechat, they are now focusing on A2P (Application to Person) and creating new service delivery … Continue reading Stream 1: New Service Delivery Methods

First Look at the TADSummit Agenda

Since the inception of TADSummit 3 years ago it leads the industry’s thinking on the business and strategy of making and saving money from telecom application development. It has become the industry’s main event focused on service innovation. We anticipate over 250 registrations in 2016. You can download the draft TADSummit Agenda here. A big thank you … Continue reading First Look at the TADSummit Agenda

TADSummit Revisited, Drew Johnson, Aeris Communications, Move your customers to IoT-First

On Wednesday the 27th of April at 1000 ET we’ll ran a TADSummit Revisited with Drew Johnson, VP Engineering, Aeris Communications for a deep-dive Q&A on his presentation “Forget Mobile-First … Move your customers to IoT-First.” You can view the Q&A session live or recorded in the video at the end of this weblog, or … Continue reading TADSummit Revisited, Drew Johnson, Aeris Communications, Move your customers to IoT-First

Work Stream 4, Disruptive Developers

On Day 2 we ran 3 streams in parallel. This weblog reviews work stream 4 “Disruptive Developers”. That is people using telecom capabilities to disrupt existing businesses, or simply provide better services. Presenting were: Moshe Maeir, Founder, Fone.Do; Martin Giess, Co-Founder, Emnify; Cyrille Manente, COO, Vivaction; Joachim Vanheuverzwijn, CTO, Securax Ltd (Zoiper); Drew Johnson, VP Engineering, Aeris Communications; and Alexis Bonillo, Co-Founder and COO, Zen.ly. We kicked off stream 4 with Moshe Maeir, Fone.Do presenting “Moving … Continue reading Work Stream 4, Disruptive Developers

Work Stream 1, Meet the TADHack Developers

On Day 1 after lunch we ran 3 streams in parallel. This weblog reviews the work stream “Meet the TADHack Developers”. Presenting were: Thomas Howe, Communications Service Designer, KISST.me; Ben Klang, Founder, Principal & Technology Strategist, Mojo Lingo; Antón Rodríguez Yuste, Telecom Software Engineer, Optare Solutions; Chad Hart, Chief Editor & Independent Consultant, webrtcHacks; João Trindade, Android Developer, Talkdesk; and Gloria … Continue reading Work Stream 1, Meet the TADHack Developers

Work Stream 3, Real Time Enterprise

On Day 1 after lunch we ran 3 streams in parallel. This weblog reviews the work stream “Real Time Enterprise” chaired by Rob Kurver, VP Europe Cloud Communications Alliance. Presenting in this session were: Dean Bubley, Founder Disruptive Analysis; Ofer Cohen, R&D Group Leader, LivePerson; Elad Wertzberger, Technical Lead, LivePerson; Adam Kalsey, Technical Marketing Manager, Tropo Business Unit, Cisco … Continue reading Work Stream 3, Real Time Enterprise

TADSummit Truphone Teaser

At TADHack Global in June James Tagg, founder and CTO of Truphone, announced their plan for the Open Source Communications Framework (OSCF) API, see end of this weblog for the keynote presentation. James Tagg will at TADSummit in November put much more flesh around the bones of that announcement in his keynote and throughout TADSummit. It … Continue reading TADSummit Truphone Teaser

TADSummit Keynotes

TADSummit was a packed and intense gathering of telecom innovators from around the world.  We had to bring in additional chairs, people where standing at the networking tables, and fortunately there were some stairs at the back where people could sit. Close to 200 people over two days listened to ground breaking presentations, rolled-up their sleeves … Continue reading TADSummit Keynotes

Developer Economics Survey

Developer Economics is VisionMobile’s leading research program, tracking global trends on the app economy and mobile developers. The program is based on the largest, most global developer surveys, run by VisionMobile every six months. The surveys track the most important metrics for mobile developers, including platform mindshare, app categories and tools, revenues and revenue models … Continue reading Developer Economics Survey