Tag Archives: T-Mobile

TADSummit Online Conference, 19 March. From the Trenches, RCS / RBM (RCS Business Messaging)

Welcome to the second TADSummit Online 2025 Conference Session. We plan to run these once per week, and as always delivering honest insight. No BS, it’s in our policies. The presenter is Michael Lamb, President / Co-founder of nativeMsg. Michael and I got chatting over Linkedin, as we chatted I discovered someone focused on the truth … Continue reading TADSummit Online Conference, 19 March. From the Trenches, RCS / RBM (RCS Business Messaging)

Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Johnny lets loose on this podcast. I’ll try with this article to bring it within a clear and linear progression of thought. Do not invest in memecoins I do not recommend investing in meme-coins, see this example $Hawk memecoin on why it’s a bad idea. Eric owns the majority of $CZAR GOLD, and does not … Continue reading Podcast 108: Truth in Telecoms: The Czar, TCR, Spam, and Free Speech

Podcast 93: Truth in Telecoms, AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Podcast Directory Johnny opened on the TCR sale, how the minimum bid to get into the data room is $300M. The other news item is Infobip becoming a D2C (Direct to Carrier) aggregator in the US, as T-Mobile replaced Syniverse with Infobip. I covered how in August I had 13 days with no SMS spam … Continue reading Podcast 93: Truth in Telecoms, AIT, Kevin Graham and Daniel Gill

Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast Directory This is a useful review of where we are across: The video contains so much more than I can write. Johnny does a good job reviewing the story so far. I provide below a sample of some of the points covered, but you know Johnny! Fun with The Vis: Check out the 45 … Continue reading Podcast 92: Truth in Telecoms, Bill’s Federal Complaint is Moving

Podcast 91: Truth in Telecoms, Robert Vis and vCon Vinnie

Podcast Directory In this podcast we review some of Robert Vis’ insights from the podcast we did last week, and introduce ‘vCon Vinne’. We kick off with how Johnny was beaten up with patents after The Vis stated, Patents are for the weak. He looks in a bad way. Johnny has a new nickname for … Continue reading Podcast 91: Truth in Telecoms, Robert Vis and vCon Vinnie

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast Directory Since I reposted Eric Troutman’s excellent review of The Campaign Registry’s response to Frederick (“Rick”) Joyce’s FCC filing on Thursday, where I linked the work we’ve been doing on the US messaging ecosystem. The repost reached 2.5k impressions overnight, my profile has been viewed over 100 times in 24 hours, and several people … Continue reading Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Podcast Directory Best wishes for the New Year to the TADS community and everyone that follows the TADSummit Podcast. Over the holidays’ period so much happened! Johnny’s been studying Tata Communications, they’ve had a massive run up, from 330 INR to 1750 INR. We covered in the TADSummit Innovators interview with UIB who is no … Continue reading Podcast 21: Truth in Telecoms, The 250B INR Tata Communications Short

Welcome & What Happened? Review

These TADSummit 2022 reviews are a chance to give all the excellent content deserved attention and add my commentary on its importance. I cover only my ‘Welcome and What happened since we last met? Where is the Programmable Comms market going?’ presentation as the article ended up being quite long and a bit soapboxy (warning … Continue reading Welcome & What Happened? Review

Morning Plenary Day One

After the keynotes, networking and coffee break (with turkish pastries), the morning plenary focused on case studies, demonstrating successful service innovation with joint presentations between technology vendors and their customers (both telcos and enterprises). The objective was to keep the presentations as practice focused as possible to avoid the usual marketing pitches that plague events … Continue reading Morning Plenary Day One