Tag Archives: open source

A Slice of TADSummit: Applications

In this weblog we review the presentations focused on applications at TADSummit Asia 2021. That is, using programmable communications to make money. In keeping with the TADSummit’s no BS policy, these are practice-focused, sharing insights gained from the field. The presentations include: Airtel IQ: Transforming customer engagement by embedding real-time communications, Ankit Goel and Ishan Bansal, … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Applications

A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

In this weblog we focus on the presentations given about Open Source at TADSummit Asia 2021. Without open source telecom software the programmable communications industry would not exist. The technology would still be trapped in the ivory tower of the telcos and their strategic vendors. Open source telecom software is driving innovation across programmable communications, … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

Welcome to TADSummit Asia 2021 + Programmable Communications Review

Thank you for joining us for TADSummit Asia 2021. Since 2013 TADSummit has focused on programmable communications. This year we have special themes on conversational intelligence, identity and fraud, open source, and quantum computing. There’s no registration, content is freely available. Everything will be posted on the agenda: https://blog.tadsummit.com/2021/02/16/tadsummit-asia-2021-agenda/. Presentations are pre-recorded, released one per … Continue reading Welcome to TADSummit Asia 2021 + Programmable Communications Review

TADSummit Asia 2021 (Online Through May)

Through May 2021 we will publish TADSummit Asia presentations daily. I’m excited about the agenda we have planned. TADSummit Asia is the only event focused on programmable communications in Asia. Here is the TADSummit Asia agenda, it’s draft, still much to add. Some of the highlights include: Keynote: Accelerating Women Tech inclusion with effective usage of Telco API by Sammani Kusaladharma, Senior Executive … Continue reading TADSummit Asia 2021 (Online Through May)

TADSummit Asia 2021 Agenda

Sponsored by TADSummit is the event for programmable communications, since 2013. All presentations below were given during the month of May 2021. Click on a presentation of interest in the TL;DR agenda to see the outline of that session, and then click on the > Link to slides, video, summary and Q&A < to go … Continue reading TADSummit Asia 2021 Agenda

A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Open Source. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. In putting this slice together I realized how many sessions included open source. It’s a component of almost every presentation given … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

A Slice of TADSummit: Telco Innovation

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Telco Innovation. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. Telco innovation is tough, its the innovator’s dilemma writ large. I recently reviewed an industry-insider initiative “Accelerating Innovation in the … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Telco Innovation

That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020

Phew! TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020 ended up with a jam-packed agenda. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. There are 62 videos, the most generated for any TADSummit over its 8 year history. Through the month we had over 3000 views on Youtube, with several videos watched over 100 times already. And we … Continue reading That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020

Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 3 (16-20th Nov)

This weblog summarises the presentations given during TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 3. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. We’re seeing 100-120 views per day on the TADSummit Channel, with excellent discussions in the comments section of the weblogs. Even on the weekends we’re seeing 40 views per day. While we … Continue reading Summary of TADSummit EMEA Americas Week 3 (16-20th Nov)

Cloud Native Function for 5G success, Grzegorz Sikora, OVOO

Cloud Native Function for 5G success, Grzegorz Sikora, Rafal Mysliwiec, and Pawel Kulpa,  OVOO OVOO’s focus is the migration of telco apps to cloud native. They bring deep open source expertise.  Jesus Cruz Manjavacas, VAS Development Expert at PLAY mentioned this expertise in his presentation on Programmable Telecoms inside a Telco. Greg provided an introduction to OVOO … Continue reading Cloud Native Function for 5G success, Grzegorz Sikora, OVOO