Tag Archives: WebRTC

Announcing TADSummit 2022

Welcome! Firstly, thank you to STROLID, Broadvoice / GoContact and AWA Network / Automat Berlin for sponsoring TADSummit 2022. Their support is critical for this event to take place. TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications for ten years. You can cut straight to the TADSummit 2022 agenda here, lots to add. And thank … Continue reading Announcing TADSummit 2022

TADSummit 2022 Agenda, 8/9 Nov, Aveiro

Sponsors Welcome! TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications for ten years. It runs on the 8th and 9th of November in Aveiro Portugal, here are the logistics for the event. And here are the session timings, it’s a packed agenda. Its OK to grab a coffee whenever you want, stand at the back, … Continue reading TADSummit 2022 Agenda, 8/9 Nov, Aveiro

The worst of enemies – let’s talk about DDoS and RTC, Sandro Gauci

Video and Slides Outline The worst of enemies – let’s talk about DDoS and RTC Sandro Gauci, CEO / Senior Penetration Tester / Chief mischief officer at Enable Security Why are VoIP and WebRTC services so vulnerable to DDoS and what can we do about it? Distinguish between volumetric and application-level DoS Why volumetric/bandwidth saturation … Continue reading The worst of enemies – let’s talk about DDoS and RTC, Sandro Gauci

Weekend Insights from Week 1 of TADSummit EMEA Americas 2021

TADSummit is in its 9th year, beginning in 2013 on 21-22 November in Bangkok. Our focus remains programmable communications, and our policy still highlights no BS. In reviewing the agenda from 2013 it’s amazing how far some parts of the industry have developed. Doing telecoms in a web way has lept ahead, creating new markets … Continue reading Weekend Insights from Week 1 of TADSummit EMEA Americas 2021

Weekend Insights from Week 2 of TADSummit Asia 2021

This weblog provides an easy way to access all the presentations from week 2 of TADSummit Asia 2021’s presentations.

Tools for Offensive RTC security. Introducing SIPVicious PRO and the demo server, Sandro Gauci

Video and Slides Outline: Tools for Offensive RTC security. Introducing SIPVicious PRO and the demo server. Sandro Gauci, CEO / Senior Penetration Tester / Chief mischief officer at Enable Security GmbH In Sandro’s previous talk for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020, he spoke about why it is critical to take an offensive approach when dealing with RTC security. … Continue reading Tools for Offensive RTC security. Introducing SIPVicious PRO and the demo server, Sandro Gauci

Web is Communications, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, W3C

Video and Slides Outline: Web is Communications Dominique Hazael-Massieux, W3C, Web Technology Expert & Software Engineer Beyond WebRTC, the Open Web Platform expanding capabilities are helping make Web browsers a key component of existing and future communication systems: this presentation will review the ongoing work in W3C that paves the way for what future Web-based … Continue reading Web is Communications, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, W3C

A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Open Source. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. In putting this slice together I realized how many sessions included open source. It’s a component of almost every presentation given … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Open Source

A Slice of TADSummit: Fraud and Security

In this series of weblogs, A Slice of TADSummit, we review some of the important themes from TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020. This slice focuses on Fraud and Security. This segment is a little broader as identity is an important element that enhances customers’ experiences. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. Security and … Continue reading A Slice of TADSummit: Fraud and Security

That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020

Phew! TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020 ended up with a jam-packed agenda. Thank you to all the presenters and our sponsors: Automat Berlin, GoContact, Radisys, and Sangoma for making TADSummit possible. There are 62 videos, the most generated for any TADSummit over its 8 year history. Through the month we had over 3000 views on Youtube, with several videos watched over 100 times already. And we … Continue reading That’s a wrap for TADSummit EMEA Americas 2020