Tag Archives: WebRTC

TADSummit Day 1 Morning Plenary

The morning plenary of Day 1 was back-to-back presentations from the people changing the face of telecoms, thanks to their APIs, platforms (open and closed source), processes, and vision. We kicked off with founding sponsor Tropo, who was recently bought by Cisco. Being a TADSummit sponsor makes you a hot property for M&A, with founding sponsor … Continue reading TADSummit Day 1 Morning Plenary

Jim Machi, Dialogic, on TADS & Innovation

TADS is coming up which is great news.  This conference is devoted to Telecom Application Development, which when you stop to think about it, is pretty important for Telecom success.  I mean, if Telecom was just about making a phone call, or sending an email, or posting something on social media, then life might be … Continue reading Jim Machi, Dialogic, on TADS & Innovation

TADSummit Truphone Teaser

At TADHack Global in June James Tagg, founder and CTO of Truphone, announced their plan for the Open Source Communications Framework (OSCF) API, see end of this weblog for the keynote presentation. James Tagg will at TADSummit in November put much more flesh around the bones of that announcement in his keynote and throughout TADSummit. It … Continue reading TADSummit Truphone Teaser

TADSummit Agenda

The TADSummit agenda is now available, you will see it is quite a special event. We continue to add content and will likely be adding content right up to the the event. So expect the agenda to become even more over-stuffed. There are over 6 events running in conjunction with TADSummit, because it has become the … Continue reading TADSummit Agenda

Wrapping up TADSummit 2014

This weblog summarizes all the content created at TADSummit into one.  It links to the videos, presentations, interviews, pictures, analysis, and shared the plans for 2015. Attendance exceeded our estimates, with close to 200 innovators coming together over the two days focused on building the Telecom Application Development Ecosystem from the grass roots. Compared to … Continue reading Wrapping up TADSummit 2014

TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

During TADSummit we ran a live mobile survey to gather people’s immediate feedback on the event, rather than waiting until after the event. We used the telecom application mpoll.me, which sent SMS to attendees with a link to the survey, where we created questions on the fly. It enabled us to gather immediate feedback from the audience … Continue reading TADSummit mpoll.me Survey Results

Day One Afternoon Plenary, WebRTC and more

Day One wrapped up with excellent presentations showing more case studies on service innovation success, with a particular focus on WebRTC.  Though for balance I included APEX Communications who, though quiet from a marketing perspective, have an impressive roster of customers and great case studies using a more traditional platform based approach.  This is the fourth … Continue reading Day One Afternoon Plenary, WebRTC and more

2014 Pre-Conference Survey Results

Below you can see an interim drop of the TADSummit 2014 pre-conference survey results.  The survey ran in the week before TADSummit, gathering opinions from the TADSummit address list (currently 1600). It presents a balanced view across the TAD ecosystem with currently 51 respondents from around the world with a representative mix across developers, telcos … Continue reading 2014 Pre-Conference Survey Results

Meet the TADHack Winners

We have 3 TADHack winners joining us at TADSummit.  As discussed in the TAD Manifesto telecom application developers are a critical part of the TAD Ecosystem.  Their attendance balances the discussions across the conference.  Work stream 3 is dedicated to showcasing their talent. We have developers in attendance from around the world including arx.net and … Continue reading Meet the TADHack Winners

Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks

Voxbone is delighted to be a sponsor of this year’s prestigious TADSummit. As the market leader in providing virtual local phone numbers (often referred to as DIDs or inbound SIP trunks) to telecommunications application developers, cloud communications providers, and enterprise contact centers, Voxbone is proud to show our commitment to fostering the growth of the … Continue reading Voxbone Links Telecom Applications and Telephone Networks