Tag Archives: Tyntec

TADSummit Keynotes

TADSummit was a packed and intense gathering of telecom innovators from around the world.  We had to bring in additional chairs, people where standing at the networking tables, and fortunately there were some stairs at the back where people could sit. Close to 200 people over two days listened to ground breaking presentations, rolled-up their sleeves … Continue reading TADSummit Keynotes

You’re an innovator— so is Tyntec. Let’s meet at TADSummit!

Tyntec, is a mobile interaction specialist and a proud partner of this year’s TADSummit. We’re the preferred partner of the largest OSP (Online Service Providers), enterprises and carriers . As innovators ourselves, tyntec is integral in bringing together the disparate worlds of traditional telecom and web, enabling them to develop business models and mutually beneficial … Continue reading You’re an innovator— so is Tyntec. Let’s meet at TADSummit!

TADSummit Agenda

The TADSummit agenda is packed and unique. Telcos, technology providers and developers from around the world are coming together with a focus on success to build the telecom application development ecosystem. The financial numbers of most telcos show service innovation is no longer a nice ‘marketing sheen’ applied to the same old network investment. Its … Continue reading TADSummit Agenda

Introducing the TADSummit Sponsors and Partners

TADSummit is focused on bringing the industry together to build the telecom application developer ecosystem. Last year the focus was creating the TADManifesto and setting out the plan for 2014 with TADHack and TADSummit. The sponsors of TADSummit 2014 include: With over 15,000 installations across 100 countries since 1989, APEX Communications is a global provider of … Continue reading Introducing the TADSummit Sponsors and Partners

Work Stream Review

TADSummit is focused on building an essential component of the Telecoms industry, the telecom application developer ecosystem that creates new services and customer value to address the revenue decline from the commoditization of voice and messaging. Only by working together can we make this happen and drive new revenues into the industry. https://petmedicaltransport.com/getting-prednisone/ The sponsors, partners, … Continue reading Work Stream Review

TADS Vision and TADSummit 2014 Website Live

The TADSummit website is live, you can see we have an unprecedented line-up of sponsors and partners supporting TADS including: Sponsors: APEX Communications, Apidaze, Ericsson, hSenid Mobile, Huawei, Nexmo, OpenCloud, Oracle, Shango, Solaiemes, Telestax, Tropo, Ubuntu / Canonical, and Voxbone. Partners: Metaswitch, Truphone, Tyntec and many more helping get the word out on what we’re … Continue reading TADS Vision and TADSummit 2014 Website Live

Introduction to TADSummit 2014 12-13 November Istanbul

This weblog introduces the TADSummit 2014 agenda, shown at the bottom of this weblog.  After the success of TADSummit 2013 and the massive TADHack 2014, we are building interest in an essential yet missing component of the Telecoms industry, the telecom application developer ecosystem that creates new services and customer value to address the revenue decline from … Continue reading Introduction to TADSummit 2014 12-13 November Istanbul