Tag Archives: sinch

TADSummit 2024 Agenda

TADSummit is the thought-leadership event in programmable communications / telecoms for over ten years. The audience includes CxOs from many of the programmable communication companies, open source leaders, and telcos. It’s a strategy, technology, and reality focused event with no BS. Check out the preview for TADSummit 2024 here https://alanquayle.com/2024/05/tadsummit-tadhack-global-2024/ (10 minute read). You’ll hear … Continue reading TADSummit 2024 Agenda

Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

Podcast Directory A busy weekend: Robert Vis continues to deliver on his plan to transform the programmable communications industry. Announcing on his TADSummit Innovator’s podcast (over 5k views) focusing on the value add for customer communications and bringing the price of SMS close to cost. Sinch did not like that, especially when Bird dropped prices … Continue reading Podcast 61: Truth in Telecoms, Bird is Back : Kevin Loving Life.

Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast Directory We kicked off with a summary of the CTIA meeting in DC last week. It looks like the US SMS industry has been given a chance to prove they can solve the SMS spam problem, before regulation is imposed. This information is provided from a number of sources who attended the meeting in … Continue reading Podcast 60: Truth in Telecoms, Got YouMail?

Podcast 46: Truth in Telecoms, Revenge of the Messaging Monopolies

Podcast Directory Today, Robert Gerstmann, Chairman of the MEF released a letter to its members. I received the letter from a number of people in Europe. They were angered and surprised that Robert Gerstmann from Sinch was conflating what Eric J. Troutman wrote in reaction to Puja J. Amin being kicked off a MEF panel … Continue reading Podcast 46: Truth in Telecoms, Revenge of the Messaging Monopolies

Podcast 45: Truth in Telecoms, Coverups

Podcast Directory Uku, Messente This week we had an excellent podcast with Uku from Messente communications. He is the leader most members of the SMS industry point to as THE most trustworthy leader, he’s the real-deal. He and Ira Cohen from MMDSmart at an event both said they would prefer published pricing for SMS, so … Continue reading Podcast 45: Truth in Telecoms, Coverups

Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast Directory Since I reposted Eric Troutman’s excellent review of The Campaign Registry’s response to Frederick (“Rick”) Joyce’s FCC filing on Thursday, where I linked the work we’ve been doing on the US messaging ecosystem. The repost reached 2.5k impressions overnight, my profile has been viewed over 100 times in 24 hours, and several people … Continue reading Podcast 38: Truth in Telecoms, Huzzah for the Czar

Podcast 35: Truth in Telecoms, Good Grief Charlie Brown

Podcast Directory This week provided direct objective evidence that CPaaS is no longer the acronym to use with Wall Street. Twilio’s results exceeded most analysts’ expectations, but the outlook and Segment review sent the stock in decline, see below. Sinch who produced good results maintaining gross margin at 33.5% and revenue growth. Initially went up, … Continue reading Podcast 35: Truth in Telecoms, Good Grief Charlie Brown

Podcast 33: Truth in Telecoms, Before Bird / After Bird (BB/AB)

Podcast Directory Before Bird was a time when the A2P SMS industry was comfortable in scamming / overchargin enterprises, innovators and consumers. Then came a time AB (After Bird) when Bird shone the light of truth on the dirty tricks being played. Check out Podcast 30: Truth in Telecoms: Flipping the Bird with Robert Vis … Continue reading Podcast 33: Truth in Telecoms, Before Bird / After Bird (BB/AB)

Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

Podcast Directory Yesterday was a dark day for the programmable communications industry. Jeff Lawson was removed as CEO and not even given the role as chairman. How could the current Twilio board let this happen? This act is both shocking and shameful. The board are the ones that need to be fired. The company he … Continue reading Podcast 22: Truth in Telecoms, Twilio Special, Lawson is Innocent!

TADSummit Podcast 9: Truth in Telecoms

Podcast Directory CPaaS and AI M&A Taking the lead from Twilio, we’re all CPaaS and AI companies these days, rather the programmable communications 😉 Johnny posted on the latest Twilio results, and I baited him on what a Twilo and tyntec tie-up could look like. Johnny reviews his experiences with tyntec, the unique position they … Continue reading TADSummit Podcast 9: Truth in Telecoms